Tiny House design and building

Tiny House = Comfort + mobilityTiny House confort

We offer to build your own  Tiny House, aka “micro-maison” en Québécois.

100% tailored, Tiny House will fit your needs, (for your own living or for renting) or your technical specifications (itinerant business, food truck, space of culture, librayry, professional office aso…).

Depending on the target occupation, trailers can be 6 meters long, or even more (outer width 2.50m), and will adapt to your country regulations.

You dreamt of it

Any forms / colors / cladding / windowing / roofing are enabled ! We can deliver a turnkey tiny house, or else build a timber box you that will build and develop by yourself. Anyway, concept will be developped through a close partnership with you.

Feel free to contact us for any question and to find out how we can start working together.

So many benefits …

Tiny house really attracts people, logically straightforward:

  • no more long period of time needed before receiving housing permits and authorizations
  • fits with high integration level in urbanistic rules
  • can be set on a trailer, a boat, or any other kind of support given its low size, weight
  • inexpensive way of building, living. Large variety of interiors are possible
  • very good insulation. Less charges. No need to get access to grids and networks with expensive subscriptions. Can be energy-autonomous designed
  • can be shipped in weeks with high level of interior finishing. Very short time to operation.
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
ITE P. Trégueux
bardage bois Avec la mention RGE, cumulez travaux de rénovation énergétique et Crédit d'Impôt, TVA réduite à 5.5%, certificats d'économie d'énergie (CEE), Prêt à Taux Zéro (PTZ).

artisan engagé déchets